
API Reference :: contactgroups


Get contact group information

  • customerid - optional string - customerid of the subaccount you want to get a contact group list for.
  • id - optional string - Contact group id of the contact group you want to get. If absent, the call will return a list of contact groups. Getting a specific contact group belonging to a subaccount requires customerid to be set.

Request example:

curl -X GET ''

Response example:

  "201205050153W2Q4C-G-3QJWG": {
    "type": "group",
    "customer_id": "201205050153W2Q4C",
    "name": "Example Group",
    "members": [
  } ...


Create (POST) or update (PUT) a contact group

  • customerid - optional string - customerid of the subaccount to which the contact group list belongs.
  • id - required string on update - the contact group id you want to modify
  • name - optional string used as a label for the group.
  • members - optional JSON string - An array of address ids like: ["1664V","K5SP9CQP"] (those are two different addresses/contact methods)
curl -X POST -d'json={"members":["9GJ7EHJX","GFRWVKD9"],"name":"An Example Group"}' ''

Response example:

    "_id": "201205050153W2Q4C-G-1ZIYU",
    "type": "group",
    "customer_id": "201205050153W2Q4C",
    "name": "An Example Group",
    "members": [


Delete a contact group

  • customerid - optional string - customerid of the subaccount to which the contact group list belongs. Not needed if the contact group belongs to your primary account.
  • id - required string - Contact group id of the contact group you want to delete.

Request example:

curl -X DELETE ''

Response example:


If you have any questions, get in touch at [email protected], or use our Contact form.