
API Reference :: diagnostics


Request diagnostic information from a probe or AGENT

  • id - required - check ID associated with this diagnostic request
  • location - required - probe two-character indicator (lowercased) or AGENT check ID where you'd like the diagnostic to run from.
  • tool - required - The type of diagnostic you'd like to run. One of: mtr, ping, traceroute, dig, pageload, or screenshot. Information about the diagnostic tools.
  • target - optional - The URL, FQDN, or IP address you'd like to get diagnostics about. If the target is not included in the request, it will be taken from the check data.
  • dnsserver - optional - Used for the dig tool - the FQDN or IP address of the DNS server you'd like to query. If the dnsserver is not included in the request, it will be taken from the DNS check data or a default will be used.
  • dnstype - optional - Used for the dig tool - the DNS record type for the query. If the dnstype is not included in the request, it will be taken from the DNS check data or a default of A will be used.
  • transport - optional - Used for the dig tool - the transport used for the DNS query. Valid values are 'udp' and 'tcp'. Default is udp.
  • count - optional - Used for the following tools: mtr and ping. - the number of pings to send for the mtr or ping diagnostic. Defaults to 10. Maximum 100

Request mtr from the TX probe example:

curl -X GET ''

Request 5 pings from an AGENT example:

curl -X GET ''

Additional considerations:

  • Event data - Diagnostic requests made via the web UI or the API will be saved as event data on the check. Diagnostic results can be seen in the Events report.
  • throttling - Default throttling is 10 requests in 5 minutes. Contact support to request a diagnostics rate increase.
  • AGENT locations - You'll need to connect your AGENT to our diagnostic servers in order to request diagnostics. Follow the instructions in the AGENT software README to start the DiagnosticsClient.js script.
  • Unsupported tools - AGENT locations do not support browserperf and screenshot tool types.

If you have any questions, get in touch at [email protected], or use our Contact form.